Center for Students with Disabilities


Eligibility for Accommodation Services is determined on an individual basis for each student who applies for services. Approval for services is determined by evaluating a student's documentation of the diagnosed condition creating the barrier, the demonstrated need for the accommodation, and the student to making a request for the specific service. If a student received a service prior to attending 足彩平台 does not guarantee that the service will be available or approved at the University level.  For more information, please contact the Center for Students with Disabilities at 262-472-4711.

Services provided through CSD may include:

Translation of spoken/auditory information in the classroom for students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. CSD also provides captioning of classroom information and course content. Interpreter Request Form.

Alternative Media is the provision of printed materials in alternative formats for individuals with visual or information processing disabilities.

Click here for more information on Alternative Media »

Equal access to the testing process at the University without compromising the integrity of the class. 

Click here for more information on Alternative Testing »

Create equal access to the learning environment (e.g. priority seating, accessible room location, chair/table/desk adjustments, etc.).

The CSD Accessible General Access Lab is available to all 足彩平台 students with priority in access given to students with disabilities. The centrally located lab features adjustable workstations and offers a variety of computers and software in a networked environment. 

Click here for more information on Assistive Technology »

Access to copies of class notes to qualified students with disabilities through the Accommodation Request Portal.

Equal access to classroom activities for students who cannot physically manipulate course materials.

Temporary disabilities include, but are not limited to, broken limbs, burns, post-surgery recovery and other similar conditions that temporarily impair or influence with students' abilities to fully participate in academic activities.

Employment Connections is an opt-in service which assists students with disabilities to prepare for their career goals. Specialized services, beyond university-based services, are fee-based.  Additional details, and the form to request services, can be found on the Employment Connections page.

Pick-up/Drop-off service for on and off campus rides.

For more information please click here »

Fee-based assistance physically completing homework activities/projects (not tutoring or personal care).

Project ASSIST provides tutoring services to students, including one-on-one tutoring, organizational tutoring, and drop-in tutoring. Eligible students may choose to participate in this program each semester. For more information please click here.

 This is a four-week high school to 足彩平台 transition program for incoming freshmen with disabilities. The intent of the program is to help students make a smooth transition from high school to university life. Students are enrolled in two, three-credit courses, and live in campus housing. For more information please click here.